Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Drunk Mailman

In England, a mailman was caught with three and a half years worth of mail at his house, because everyday he would start drinking at 6AM and be too drunk to deliver the mail. Yeah, people are saying that even if he did deliver the mail while drunk, nobody would’ve noticed.

“Yeah, buddy of course this is 22 Hudson Street, why else would I have a giant 46 on my house? What are you drunk? Oh you are?

Alternative Punchline:

  • We’re really lucky this didn’t happen in America, because then we’d be missing three and a half years worth of Dairy Queen coupons.

Over the course of the past three years the mailman has collected over 200 euro from birthday cards and other gifts. I don’t know what’s worse, the drunk mailman or how cheap people in England are.

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